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B U I L D I N G A K I N G D O M F A M I L Y , R E A C H I N G G E N E R A T I O N S

Alex & Dorcas Afriyie were called of God to go to West London in 1991 to help to reestablish and grow a small congregation. Since then a vision for building a Kingdom family and reaching generations has been birthed through life groups in both West and South London.
About us

London Network Church is multi-cultural and inter-generational; reflecting the diverse population of London. We have two congregations in West London & South London.
Our vision is 'building a kingdom family that reaches generations'. We want to bring the differences in age and background together in Christ, building King Jesus family and reaching the diverse population of London. We do this through family groups that we call life groups. These meet in different parts of West and South London and do life together with Christ in the centre. We believe He is the hope of the world and can change individual lives and communities. In our life groups we do two things - build up and reach out. We are both family based and outreach based.
We love to provide support for families with children through our Pear Tree Parent & Toddler Group and for the over 65s through the Lunch Club. We provide spaces for men and women to be developed through our Mentoring groups. We reach out further afield through our missions both in the UK and internationally.

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